Information about Lynahs of all ages
Ah, you've arrived. You might be seeking information about:
- Lynah family history, by J. Heyward Lynah, 1965
- 1866 letter by James Lynah about
his grandfather Dr. James Lynah
(pictured below in a portrait at the Telfair
museum) “...a
charming smile and a happy jest
always went along with him so that he inspired cheerfulness

Family history, regarding Dr. James Lynah: “From his portrait
(by Henry
Benbridge), could be
added that he was clean shaven,
with a high forehead, and
aquiline, prominent nose, and a firm protruding chin. His face is that
of a keen, alert, humorous person. He was of muscular build, perhaps
somewhat short in status, with powerful arms and strong tapered
fingers. He conveys the impression of strength, vigor, charm and
From the Georgia Historical Commission marker in Savannah, “...The fatal ball which was removed from his (Casimir Pulaski's) thigh by Dr. James Lynah of South Carolina is in possession of the Georgia Historical Society at Savannah....”
- Edward Lynah | 1866 letter to his sons: pdf or html
- 1842 pension application by children of Edward Lynah | pdf
- James Lynah (pictured left) | Lynah
Rink at Cornell | read Bob Kane's 1956 letter: pdf or html
- James Lynah Sherrill | Big
Lynah material waits patiently for the web.
Read what the 1903 Supreme Court had to say about a Lynah
case involving eminent domain.
Lynah Elected Football Captain.
James Lynah, 1905, of Savannah, Georgia, was elected captain of the
1904 eleven at a meeting, held on Monday, of the men who won their
Varsity letter in the Princeton and Pennsylvania games.
Lynah came to Cornell a year ago from Clemson College. South Carolina,
and during the Fall has been substitute quarterback and fullback on the
Varsity eleven. In '97 he captained the Savannah, Ga., high school team
and in 1900 and 1901 played right end and right halfback on the Clemson
College team.
He is a member of Sigma Phi fraternity and is a candidate for the
degree of electrical engineer.
Lynah in a bit of hot water before Cornell
1902: Dissent on campus among the students over the college's rigid
military discipline and overcrowding in the barracks, among other
things, leads to in-fighting between the student body and faculty, some
of whom, it becomes obvious, are hated by the cadets. Senior James Lynah ill-advisedly
steals a turkey from the yard of history professor W.S.
Morrison and his graduation is held up. The senior class petitions the
faculty to let him graduate. The senate cannot muster the three-fourths
majority required to expell Lynah during its January 22-January 23
meeting, but suspends the cadet indefinitely. The secret proceedings of
the meeting become known to the students within the day, revealing that
at least one faculty member, sympathetic to the students, leaked the
debate. An outraged President Henry Simms Hartzog calls a special
meeting of the professors and denounces the "eavesdroppers or traitors
in the Faculty" and describes "the condition of affairs" as "annoying,
serious, and disgraceful." Eventually, Lynah is allowed to graduate,
and becomes a loyal alumnus.
Cornell Princeton Football Program 1904
From comes this quote;
they have nice images from the program of the team and Captain Lynah.
“Cornell’s Captain, James Lynah ’05 was prepared at Clemson College,
S.C., is 22 years old, weighs 160 pounds and is five foot 11 inches