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Lynah family history

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The most outstanding characteristic of the Lynah family is its small size. Although eight generations are covered in this genealogy there remain today only a half dozen or so to carry on the name. You will find for example that although there were eight males in the family as early as the fourth generation, only one bore sons who lived to maturity. In the next generation there were seven sons, but only two produced male heirs. Thus the family name was barely kept in existence, and so in the ninth generation there are still only eight to carry on the name. Many died young, others never married, and quite a number married and were childless. Perhaps the new generation will do better. Conditions are certainly more favorable.

Prior to the War Between the States, the Lynahs were planters and doctors. It was not until after the disasterous defeat and economic chaos of the War Between the States that the men went of necessity into banking and commerce. There are no politicians. Political offices that were held were of a minor nature. Many served their country in time of war, but none were professional soldiers. The ranks they attained were modest.

Of Irish background, the Lynahs generally seem to have kept the physical strength and good humor of their heritage. Usually successful, some exceptionally so, they provided well for their families except during reconstruction. Avoiding the limelight but enjoying the fruits of their endeavors, they are representative of that strong segiment of industrious, intelligent, and capable men and women who have formed the backbone and strength of our Nation.

J. Heyward Lynah